First, you have to download the engine in the "Download" section of this website.
It's a zip file that you have to extract where you want.
Don't change folder names (except for demos)
We will now test the demo 1 to verify that everything works.
We will study the contents of the "demo1" folder:
The CD folder containing multiple files and a folder that is simply the CD contents that will be used to create the iso (the sprite of Sonic is in).
The other files are:
All files can be opened using a simple Notepad
First we have to compile using the script "compile.bat/sh"
Some errors can be displayed when deleting temporary files
If everything is alright, you will find a new file on the folder: "sl_coff.iso"
Now you just have to run the following script: "run_with_yabause.bat/sh"
And voilà :) !
To create a new game, you just have to clone the "demo1" folder
Now, you can edit the main.c :)