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Why is this skipping?

<< < (2/4) > >>

Yeah, I wish I could help, but sadly I haven't played much with PCM.
I don't hear anything that couldn't be done on the audio CPUs thought.

Now, that would require using this tool backward and creating a tool to convert from midi to sequence :

That's really the best way to go, even if it's not the easiest one!

Actually, I think I have figured it out so far. Memory copies are slowing the program down enough to cause desync. From a different perspective, the music is playing too quickly.

In any case, I wonder if I could use the audio CPU to manage the memory copies. I am actually using audio RAM as the playback buffer. (It actually works faster that way, it seems!)
You just can't tell SGL your sound data is stored there, because it tries to use an SCU DMA access and that can't happen over the same bus, so it crashes. Command SGL to use anything in LWRAM and then overwrite the static with slSoundRequest, write directly to the PCM channel buffer you need, and it will play the sound. Sadly, that's two SCU DMAs going on just to make this possible the way I am doing it. But I will soldier on!
I've also found out that your simple memcpy functions seem to help force synchronization (by putting in just enough delay). Well, not actually enough delay. A closer amount of delay.
/e: memcpy_w seems to improve the synchronization drastically, even moreso than memcpy_l. Funny enough XL2, it seems your memcopy functions are actually faster than slDMA.
[actually, they just halt the program a little bit]
I think I can work with this my spacing out the copies. They don't all need to happen on the same frame.

I really wouldn't have expected this to be a performance issue. Now I am worried if this will NEVER work with a game running on top of it!

/e2: A brief look in SBL and there does not seem to be a generic sample for memory copy. Darn.
It might be high-time for me to learn assembly. (Yeah right, like I could ever do that, AND figure out how to address the sound CPU!) All I would need is to designate one area in sound RAM that the sound CPU copies down through 3 16KB buffers, finally into the main PCM playback buffer. (Obviously that's not gonna happen, but it's a thought..)

Or maybe I should be a not-dofus, and don't copy things pointlessly.

Memcpy l uses long words (32 bits) while memcpy w uses word access (16 bits). You must use word access when writing to anything else than high ram since the only 32 bits things are related to the sh2 AFAIK.
Also, if you have a buffer in main ram, use the high ram as low ram is also 16 bits access and, if I'm not mistaken, you can't scu dma directly from low ram, so it will copy to a high buffer, then scu dma to sound ram, which is obviously slow (again, if I'm not mistaken).
The faster transfers are during vblank with indirect access (dma) since it's at that point where SGL will put the audio cpu in "listening mode".
I haven't looked at your code, but did you try to transfer during vblank?
Scu dma channel 0 should be free during that point, so just look at my model convert code for the "myvblank" function to transfer data.
While SGL documentation says otherwise, the slDMAcopy function seems to look at the destination and then switches to either cpu or scu dma depending on the destination.
Edit : Seems like you do it during vblank. Also, don't use dma wait as it will just cause useless delays. There is also a sbl function to transfer data to the audio ram, I had the code last time I shared with you, use that instead of slDMAcopy if you still have issues.

That's a lot of handy tips. Especially big thanks for memcpy_w and memcpy_l explanation.

Yes, main transfer is done during vblank.
Yes, I have learned that slDMAWait is unnecessary in this case and will drag the system to a crawl. (A real system!)
I've now got it to where I don't need that much more optimization using slDMA. I will look over SBL, maybe its transfers are faster.
I've got it to where it is clear when listening to the music that it is a cyclic desync. (Unfortunately, it starts out desync'd, but I will get to that later)
I could also restructure my buffer so it uses less copies/DMAs to begin with.

/e: memcpy_w is the proper way to transfer to audio RAM (if that is the method), however it does not seem to work at Vblank. Which is a shame, since the program works perfectly if memcpy_w is the function used for transfer to the playback region. I suspect it doesn't work at Vblank because SGL is trying to copy garbage into that region of memory all the time. Maybe if I understood slSoundRequest SND_PCM_ON better, I could get around that. I did actually find the assembly source code for SND_PCM_ON.

--- Code: ---
; HOST Command = $85 : PCM stream play start *
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
; P1 :   D7      = L ( mono ) / H ( stereo ) *
;        D6      = no care *
;        D5      = no care *
;        D4      = L ( 16bit PCM ) / H ( 8bit PCM ) *
;        D3      = no care *
;        D2~D0  = PCM Stream# *
; P2   : D7~D5  = Direct level [DISDL] *
;        D4~D0  = Direct Pan   [DIPAN] *
; P3   : D7~D0  = PCM start address bit19~12 *
; P4   : D7~D0  = //      bit11~4  ( bit3~0 = always "0" ) *
; P5,6 : D15~D0 = PCM data sample ( memory use ) size High byte per 1ch*
; P7,8 : D14~D11 = [OCT] *
; D9 ~D0  = [FNS] *
; P9   : D6~D3  = [ISEL] Rch ( stereo/mono ) *
; D2~D0  = [IMXL] Rch ( stereo/mono ) *
; P10  : D6~D3  = [ISEL] Lch ( stereo ) *
; D2~D0  = [IMXL] Lch ( stereo ) *
; P11  : D7~D0  = total level *
global drv_PCM_st
lea Pcm_Strm(a6),a3 ; PCM stream# stack area
lea slot_work(a6),a2 ;
move.b HOST_P1(a0),d7 ; P1 : bit7 H = stereo
bpl drv_85_mono
drv_85_stereo: andi.w #7,d7 ; = PCM Stream#
add.w d7,d7 ;
move.b 0(a3,d7.w),d4 ; R : play flag & slot#
bset.b #7,0(a3,d7.w) ;
andi.w #$1F,d4 ;
lsl.w #6,d4 ;
move.b 1(a3,d7.w),d5 ; L : play flag & slot#
bset.b #7,1(a3,d7.w) ;
andi.w #$1F,d5 ;
lsl.w #6,d5 ;
; d4.w = ( R ) slot work offset
; d5.w = ( L ) slot work offset
drv_85_st1: move.b HOST_P1(a0),d0 ; P1 : D4 = 8bit / D210 = #
move.b d0,d7 ;
andi.w #7,d0 ; = PCM Stream#
ori.b #$80,d0 ;
move.b d0,PSPN(a2,d4.w) ; save PCM Stream# & play flag
move.b d0,PSPN(a2,d5.w) ; save PCM Stream# & play flag
lsr.w #1,d4 ; $00,$20,..,$3E0
lsr.w #1,d5 ;

move.b #$10,$00(a5,d4.w) ; <<< key off >>>
move.b #$10,$00(a5,d5.w) ; <<< key off >>>

andi.w #00010000B,d7 ; 16/8 bit PCM ?
ori.w #00100000B,d7 ; set Forward loop
swap d7 ;
clr.w d7 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
move.w d0,SCSP_PCM_LSA(a5,d4.w) ; [LSA] R = 0000
move.w d0,SCSP_PCM_LSA(a5,d5.w) ; [LSA] L = 0000
move.w HOST_P3(a0),d0 ; P3,4 : [SA] 上位16bits
lsl.l #4,d0 ; *10H
or.l d7,d0 ;
move.l d0,(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [SA] R >>>
moveq #0,d1 ;
move.b d1,SCSP_SISD(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [TL/MDL] = 0 : R >>>

;@ move.b HOST_P7(a0),SCSP_TLVL(a5,d4.w) ;
move.b HOST_P11(a0),SCSP_TLVL(a5,d4.w) ;
move.w d1,SCSP_MDLSL(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [TL/MDL] = 0 : R >>>
move.b d1,SCSP_SISD(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [TL/MDL] = 0 : L >>>
;@ move.b HOST_P7(a0),SCSP_TLVL(a5,d5.w) ;
move.b HOST_P11(a0),SCSP_TLVL(a5,d5.w) ;
move.w d1,SCSP_MDLSL(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [TL/MDL] = 0 : L >>>
move.w d1,SCSP_RELFO(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [LFO] : R >>>
move.w d1,SCSP_RELFO(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [LFO] : L >>>
move.w HOST_P5(a0),d1 ; = 1,2,...,FFFF,0000
subq.w #1,d1 ; = 0,1,...,FFFE,FFFF
move.w d1,SCSP_PCM_LEA(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [LEA] R >>>
move.w d1,SCSP_PCM_LEA(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [LEA] L >>>
addq.l #1,d1 ; = 1,2,...,FFFF,10000
; d0.l = [LPCTL][8BIT][SA] R
; d1.l = PCM sample size / slot
add.l d1,d0 ; + data sample size
btst.l #20,d7 ; 8/16 bit ?
bne.s drv_85_1 ; jump if 8bit data
add.l d1,d0 ; + data sample size
drv_85_1: move.l d0,(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [SA] L >>>

move.b HOST_P2(a0),d0 ; P2   : [DISDL],[DIPAN]
andi.b #$E0,d0 ;
ori.b #$0F,d0 ; Pan = [R]
; == for monoral TV 対応 ==
btst.b #7,SND_OUT_ST(a6) ; MONO/STEREO status
beq.s drv_85_3ST ; jump if STEREO mode
andi.b #$F0,d0 ; set Center
drv_85_3ST: move.b d0,SCSP_DISDLPN(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [DISDL],[DIPAN] R >>>
add.w d4,d4
move.b d0,sl_DISDLPAN(a2,d4.w)
lsr.w #1,d4
ori.b #$10,d0 ; set Pan = [L]
move.b d0,SCSP_DISDLPN(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [DISDL],[DIPAN] L >>>
add.w d5,d5
move.b d0,sl_DISDLPAN(a2,d5.w)
lsr.w #1,d5

move.l #$001F001F,d0 ; AR,RR = 1FH
move.l d0,$08(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [D2R][D1R][EHLD][AR] >>>
move.l d0,$08(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [D2R][D1R][EHLD][AR] >>>
move.b HOST_P9(a0),d0
move.b d0,$15(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [ISEL],[IMXL] : R >>>
move.b HOST_P10(a0),d0
move.b d0,$15(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [ISEL],[IMXL] : L >>>
move.w HOST_P7(a0),d0
move.w d0,$10(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [OCT],[FNS] : R >>>
move.w d0,$10(a5,d5.w) ; <<< [OCT],[FNS] : L >>>

move.b #$08,$00(a5,d4.w) ; <<< key on 準備 >>>
move.b #$18,$00(a5,d5.w) ; <<< 同時 key on >>>

; d7.b = P1:mode
drv_85_mono: andi.w #7,d7 ; = PCM Stream#
add.w d7,d7 ;
move.b 0(a3,d7.w),d4 ; R : play flag & slot#
bset.b #7,0(a3,d7.w) ;
andi.w #$1F,d4 ;
lsl.w #6,d4 ;
move.b 1(a3,d7.w),d5 ; L : play flag & slot#
bclr.b #7,1(a3,d7.w) ;
andi.w #$1F,d5 ;
lsl.w #6,d5 ;
; d4.w = ( R ) slot work offset
; d5.w = ( L ) slot work offset
drv_85_mn1: move.b HOST_P1(a0),d0 ; P1 : D4 = 8bit / D210 = #
move.b d0,d7 ;
andi.w #7,d0 ; = PCM Stream#
ori.b #$80,d0 ;
move.b d0,PSPN(a2,d4.w) ; save PCM Stream# & play flag
move.b PSPN(a2,d5.w),d0 ; L 成分
move.b #0,PSPN(a2,d5.w) ; clear PCM Stream# & play flag
lsr.w #1,d4 ; $00,$20,..,$3E0
lsr.w #1,d5 ;

move.b #$10,$00(a5,d4.w) ; <<< key off >>>
move.b #$10,$00(a5,d5.w) ; <<< key off >>>

andi.w #00010000B,d7 ; 16/8 bit PCM ?
ori.w #00100000B,d7 ; set forward loop
swap d7 ;
clr.w d7 ;
moveq #0,d0 ;
move.w d0,SCSP_PCM_LSA(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [LSA] >>>
move.w HOST_P3(a0),d0 ; P3,4 : [SA] 上位16bits
lsl.l #4,d0 ;
or.l d7,d0 ;
move.l d0,(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [SA] >>>
;@ move.l d0,d3 ; stack d3.l = [SA] R
moveq #0,d1 ;

move.b d1,SCSP_SISD(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [SI],[SD] = 0 >>>
move.b HOST_P11(a0),SCSP_TLVL(a5,d4.w) ;
move.w d1,SCSP_MDLSL(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [MSL],[MDXYSL] = 0 >>>
move.w d1,SCSP_RELFO(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [LFO] >>>
move.w HOST_P5(a0),d1 ; = 1,2,...,FFFF,0000
subq.w #1,d1 ; = 0,1,...,FFFE,FFFF
move.w d1,SCSP_PCM_LEA(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [LEA] >>>

move.b HOST_P2(a0),d0 ; P2   : [DISDL],[DIPAN]
btst.b #7,SND_OUT_ST(a6) ; MONO/STEREO status
beq.s drv_85_6ST ; jump if STEREO mode
andi.b #$F0,d0 ; set Center
move.b d0,SCSP_DISDLPN(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [DISDL],[DIPAN] >>>
move.l #$001F001F,SCSP_D2R1R(a5,d4.w) ; <<< AR,RR = 1FH >>>
move.b HOST_P9(a0),SCSP_ISEL+1(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [ISEL],[IMXL] >>>
move.w HOST_P7(a0),SCSP_OCTFNS(a5,d4.w) ; <<< [OCT],[FNS] >>>
move.b #$18,SCSP_KXKB(a5,d4.w) ; <<< key on >>>
add.w d4,d4
move.b d0,sl_DISDLPAN(a2,d4.w)

--- End code ---

I'd like to have the copy run at Vblank, otherwise it will become desynchronized when interrupted.
Oh well, I'm going to burn a CD real quick.


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