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Hi there everyone.  :D
Found out about Jo Engine from seeing XL2's cool Sonic Z-Treme project and decided to try my hand at making a game for the Saturn.
Here's a video, I'll post a thread about it when I'm further along.


Wow, it already looks amazing! I'm happy that more people are joining the small (but growing) Saturn homebrew community! Don't give up and don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!


Welcome to our community :)

Hello and welcome!
You got some nice ideas, it already seems like something that could make a nice shooter =P
Keep it up!  ;D

Considered making a rail shooter ala Panzer Dragoon or Space Harrier, but decided against it (if mostly because I'd actually written one for a game dev competition several weeks ago, but also because I can play both of those games on my Saturn already  ;D).

Decided a sort of racing/time-attack flight game was something that I'd really not seen much of.
I'm pretty happy with Jo Engine so far, was a few hours from me drawing up the idea on a piece of paper and actually getting a moving ship flying over an After Burner style field.  8)
again, I'll post more about it when I'm far enough along to make a dedicated thread with a release


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