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Messages - ponut64

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General Jo Engine Help / Re: CD-DA Audio in Jo is broken...?
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:23:28 pm »
Now I'm wondering how strict the documentation is on "ADPCM".

Like, for example, will VOX work...
I don't really think I need to wonder since converters from AIFF to Sega ADPCM exist (in Mac..) but maybe I can try and feed it to the system and see what it thinks?
(Given the complete and total lack of header data, ... nah, setting up Basilisk 2 wasn't that hard)
Not anytime soon, though.

General Jo Engine Help / CD-DA Audio in Jo is broken...?
« on: June 19, 2018, 07:42:07 pm »
I'll just ask anyone here to check the "Audio" demo included in Jo engine. ATM it doesn't work.

Further, Bizhawk and Yabause refuse to load CD files that include mp3 or WAV files. Only SSF loads it, and even then it does not play the music file.
Trying to include the audio files the way Rockin' B says to also doesn't make them 'happy'.
There's got to be some way to get "CD-DA" included in an iso file, right?

I could fathom a workaround to that if we had SGL CD functions, but we don't. And given Jo Engines handling of the CD audio files is very low-level, it seems fool-proof to me.
I'm also not sure how SBL expects you to playback CD-DA.(/e: Oh, CD-XA / ADPCM .. which doesn't really help me!)
I just wonder if it is like this for anyone else.

Share your code / Re: Model converter (.ZTP) -0.1 - WIP
« on: June 19, 2018, 03:34:30 pm »
Well, it does make sense when one considers the way how Blender exports OBJ files when you tick "Animation" in the export parameters.

The way the program actually does it, though, is a lot better and I am glad that's available.

Share your code / Re: Model converter (.ZTP) -0.1 - WIP
« on: June 19, 2018, 03:04:40 pm »
Thanks for the tip about manual interpolation rates. Looking over the animated display code in your demo, I realize that's where the interpolation is handled so that's far simpler than how I thought it was happening. I can handle that

The "bug" is fixed by setting interpolation factor to 0, then it doesn't skip anything.
The number seems to look ahead by the interpolation factor + 1 when looking for the next file.
Sorry about that, I did not know.

Thank you!

Share your code / Re: Model converter (.ZTP) -0.1 - WIP
« on: June 19, 2018, 02:39:28 pm »
Hello, I would like to report a bug, and make a suggestion.

The bug is I cannot seem to get the animation conversion process handle more than 1 keyframe.
e.g. if I put in for 2 3 or 4 or 5 or 1,000 keyframes, it will only process and interpolate the first key frame (filename_000001).
It seems to check for the presence of the other keyframes, but doesn't process them.

My other suggestion is variable interpolation rates. This is probably a lot of work, and I am quite grateful for all you have done already. That said the best animations don't necessarily have each keyframe exactly the same number of frames apart. For example, injecting keyframes at critical parts of a walk cycle are essential to getting them to look right. Or, if for a punch animation, you don't want the windup of the punch to have the same number of frames interpolated for it as the throw.

My request for the process is as follows:
1)First, the model converter requests the file name to be used as the base of animation state.
2)Then it asks if this model is animated. If yes, you are requested to input the next keyframe filename. If no, input 0.
3)It then asks how many frames to interpolate up to this keyframe.
4)It then asks for another keyframe file-name. If this is the last keyframe, you can put in "0" and it will execute.
5)It then asks for this keyframe's source frame (the keyframe to interpolate from). You type in a file name. If that file is not a registered keyframe, the program gives an error and exits.
6)Repeat from 3.

7)If execution has started, it asks for the model's scale.

All this really does is simplify the conversion process and save a tiny bit more memory, since I can still just convert every two frames with massive memory savings on the interpolated frames. The downside is that each keyframe is duplicated in the next animated mesh. With these improvements, that would be prevented.

.. And just an addendum, I did update my loading function to work with the new binary files.

General Jo Engine Help / Re: Broken Demo
« on: June 19, 2018, 06:00:43 am »
Yeah, I noticed that. At least you fixed it !

Here, this is the loading structure.
*30 FPS, by the way. My calculation of roughly 240 bytes per frame must have been at 60 FPS. It is important to know this is an extrapolation based on CDDA quality. ... it's probably wrong.

Code: [Select]
void	load_test()

//Hesitant to add code here...
if(accelState > 0){
 jo_printf(20, 0, "(%i)", load_this);
if(load_this < 1){
//This mesh is 216 quads
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("BIN",(Sint8*)"BPONY.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[0], 0);
//Left turn steps
if(load_this > 60 && load_this < 119){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN01.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[11], 1);
if(load_this > 120 && load_this < 179){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN02.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[12], 2);
if(load_this > 180 && load_this < 239){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN03.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[13], 3);
if(load_this > 240 && load_this < 379){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN04.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[14], 4);
if(load_this > 380 && load_this < 479){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN05.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[15], 5);
if(load_this > 540 && load_this < 599){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN06.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[16], 6);
if(load_this > 660 && load_this < 729){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN07.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[17], 7);
if(load_this > 780 && load_this < 839){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN08.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[18], 8);
if(load_this > 900 && load_this < 959){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN09.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[19], 9);
if(load_this > 999 && load_this < 1100){
currentAddress = ztFileRequest("LTURN", (Sint8*)"LTURN10.ZTP", currentAddress, &entities[20], 10);


Very simple. In a given range of numbers, the model loading code is active. I don't really need to do it that way, but I do.

This is the file request function.

Code: [Select]
void * ztFileRequest(char * dirname, Sint8 * name, void * startAddress, entity_t * model, Uint16 rqNum)
FilRqNm = rqNum;
if(requests[FilRqNm].file_done == true){
process_requested = false;
jo_printf(0, 0, "(-ended-)");
goto SKIP;
if(process_requested == false){
rd_frames = 0;
curRdFrame = 0;
requests[FilRqNm].filename = GFS_NameToId(name);
requests[FilRqNm].dstAddress = startAddress;
requests[FilRqNm].tmodel = model;
process_requested = true;
jo_printf(0, 0, "(started)");
return requests[FilRqNm].dstAddress;

And this explains why the model is sometimes not visible. This was my animation system for the old ZTPs using a unique mesh for each frame.

Code: [Select]
void	anim_entity_state(Uint16 start, Uint8 length, Sint8 sync, Bool loop, Bool reverse)
if(loop == true && reverse == false){
if(anim_target < length && sync > 0){
if(anim_target == length){
anim_target -= length;

if(loop == true && reverse == true){
if(anim_target < length && sync > 0){
if(anim_target == length){
anim_target -= length;

if(loop == false && reverse == false){
if(anim_target < length && sync > 0){
if(anim_target == length){

if(loop == false && reverse == true){
if(anim_target < length && sync > 0){
if(anim_target == length){


Code: [Select]
		if(accelState == 0 && rotState[X] == 0){
anim_target = 0;
if(accelState > 0){
anim_entity_state(21, 19, evenFrame, true, false);
} else if(accelState < 0){
anim_entity_state(21, 19, evenFrame, true, true);
} else if(rotState[X] < 0){
anim_entity_state(1, 9, evenFrame, true, false);
} else if(rotState[X] > 0){
anim_entity_state(11, 9, evenFrame, true, false);

I'm wordy but I like to leave little up to question.
Once the mesh is finished loading, no more loading is done with it.
It is important to note that if you wanted to use that entity slot for a different mesh, you can just load to that mesh address (&entitites[number]) again and it will be replaced.

And finally, the core loading loop. Note that there is a void function parameter in the function This is where you put the game loop.

Code: [Select]
void ztFileServer(void(*sysframe)(void))
if(process_requested != true){
goto SKIP;
    void * workAddress;
workAddress = requests[FilRqNm].dstAddress;

//Data of read structure
    Sint32 fid = (Sint32)requests[FilRqNm].filename;
GfsHn gfsx;
Sint32 nzect;
Sint32 fsize;
//Accepted rate of reading per frame (33 ms)
//Note to self: If your data is already byte size information, do not annotate with sizeOf. Thanks.
Sint32 rt_step = 512;
Uint8 rt_sector = 1;
//Data of read-in-process
Sint32 stat;
Sint32 rdsize;
//Model Data is the destination of data in the work area.
modelData_t bufModelX;
//Destination address?
void * ptr2 = &bufModelX;
//Loading follows
gfsx = GFS_Open(fid);
//Get sectors
GFS_GetFileSize(gfsx, NULL, &nzect, NULL);
GFS_GetFileInfo(gfsx, NULL, NULL, &fsize, NULL);
//How many frames are we reading?
if(rt_step < fsize){
rd_frames = (fsize + (rt_step - 1))/(rt_step);
//Skip the loop if it is finished
if(curRdFrame >= rd_frames){
if(requests[FilRqNm].file_done != true){
  // Copy gfsx payload to modelData_t bufmodel
slDMACopy(workAddress, ptr2, sizeof(modelData_t));

Uint16 first_texture = loadTextures(workAddress, &bufModelX);
Sint32 bytesOff = bufModelX.TEXT_SIZE+(sizeof(modelData_t));
workAddress = (workAddress + bytesOff);
workAddress = loadPDATA((workAddress), requests[FilRqNm].tmodel, &bufModelX);
workAddress = (workAddress + (bufModelX.PDATA_SIZE + sizeof(modelData_t)));
setTextures(first_texture, requests[FilRqNm].tmodel, bufModelX.TOTAL_MESH, true);
requests[FilRqNm].dstAddress = workAddress;
requests[FilRqNm].file_done = true;
jo_printf(0, 9, "(skipped loop)");
goto SKIP;

jo_printf(0, 8, "(%i)", nzect);
jo_printf(10, 8, "(sectors)");
jo_printf(0, 9, "(%i)", fsize);
jo_printf(10, 9, "(file size)");

//Read from CD to CD buffer
//CONCEPT: NwFread specifies only a fetch from CD buffer. If no such read has been specified, it will carry it out itself.
//However, if you specify a read from CD, repeats of the fetch command will only fetch from the CD buffer and will not give errors for data remainders.
GFS_SetReadPara(gfsx, rt_step);
GFS_SetTransPara(gfsx, rt_sector);
//TIP: GFS_Nw_CdRead cannot be checked for completion. Sorry!
GFS_NwCdRead(gfsx, fsize);
for( ; curRdFrame < rd_frames ; curRdFrame++){
GFS_NwFread(gfsx, rt_sector, (Uint32*)(workAddress +(curRdFrame * rt_step)), rt_step);
GFS_NwGetStat(gfsx, &stat, &rdsize);
jo_printf(0, 11, "(%i)", rdsize);
jo_printf(10, 11, "(fetched filesize)");
}while(stat != GFS_SVR_COMPLETED && rdsize < rt_step);
//Remainder of file in comparison to rt_step [%] is handled, because we do not want to repeat the loop for the end of the data anyway. Do you understand?
//Technically, a file exactly divisible by rt_step will read-loop indefinitely. Watch out for that.
jo_printf(0, 15, "(%i)", curRdFrame);
jo_printf(4, 15, "(%i)", rd_frames);
jo_printf(0, 13, "(%i)", bufModelX.TOTAL_MESH);
jo_printf(3, 13, "(%i)", bufModelX.PDATA_SIZE);
jo_printf(10, 13, "(%i)", requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->nbMeshes);

//It is important to ensure GFS is closed at all times outside the read loop.


It's just streaming / "loading" an entire .ZTP / binary model file. An outdated .ZTP file from the 0.05 model loading demo you put up.

Yeah I know I am not very clear on it. It disappears because my code moves to displaying a different model (that is not loaded). If I loaded everything, nothing would disappear.
These models are about 12KB. All it is streaming is that model. There's no way that can be done for animations using entirely new models, it would just take too long.

Perhaps when I get to your new model loading demo, I could figure something else out but you have the memory usage trimmed down so well. I imagine using this for streaming meshes between levels that are built from smaller meshes. Let's say if you had two very similar levels, but with a few unique assets that can't fit into memory for one or the other, you could load that through a "transitional area" wherein neither of those meshes need to be displayed. An important thing about this is it does not error if the mesh is loaded whilst the game is "trying" to display it.

This thread has reached the conclusion -

As noted in my comment, any remaining slowdown is due to directory change functions. I did enough debugging to know it isn't because of NwCdRead.
NwCdRead really just makes things faster, no reason not to use it (so far, anyway).

Hold up.

With a loop like this...

   GFS_NwFread(gfsx, rt_sector, (Uint32*)(currentAddress +(curRdFrame * rt_step)), rt_step);
      GFS_NwGetStat(gfsx, &stat, &rdsize);
      jo_printf(0, 11, "(%i)", rdsize);
      jo_printf(10, 11, "(fetched filesize)");
}while(stat != GFS_SVR_COMPLETED && rdsize < rt_step);
   //Remainder of file in comparison to rt_step [%] is handled, because we do not want to repeat the loop for the end of the data anyway. Do you understand?
   //Technically, a file exactly divisible by rt_step will read-loop indefinitely. Watch out for that.
   if(rdsize == rt_step){
//   GFS_NwStop(gfsx);
   curRdFrame = curRdFrame + 1;
//      goto PUSHF;

When the program gets to NwFread the second time, it does not seem to register it differently than the first time.
I make this conclusion separate from NwExecOne (or Server) since the loop functions as intended if the goto PUSHF line is enabled, which involves majorly GFS_NwFread.
I also am able to make this conclusion because the program's rdsize doesn't properly get to the last sector size of the file.

I guess I am back to square one. GFS_NwFread is not behaving as expected. If I put it in a loop, the entire program halts whilst inside that loop, even if the function itself is a system callback.
If it is a part of the main program loop, it doesn't behave as expected; it doesn't seem to be picked up more than once.

I always thought at first this is related to GFS_Open and GFS_Close. There's a few problems with that...
If one or the other is missing from each frame, the program will freeze.

So let's look at the NwExecOne loop again. GFS_SVR_COMPLETED can't be causing a problem since this being a do...while loop, it will always hit the GFS_NwGetStat function first, which will set GFS_SVR_BUSY. rdsize being less than RT step.. again, one would think this couldn't cause any problems since rdsize is referenced and should be filled at zero in GFS_NwGetStat. And upon closer examination, rdsize becomes NULL after an incantation of the loop anyway.

So I would say I have identified the problem. It is between GFS_NwFread and GFS_NwExecOne/Server. My guess is NwFread being hit on the second frame is not being registered as a unique command so NwExecOne does not change its status. I can't skip to it on the next frame since GFS_Open needs to happen.

Now, of course, if I put the rest of the game code inside this loop (before goto PUSHF), it would work. I understand what SBL documentation means now. If I go by the documentation, this actually shouldn't work; they never set up an example of the loop being allowed to exit. My assumption is there is no other way for GFS_NwFread to work properly except between a single GFS Open and GFS Close. GFS cannot be closed or opened between incantations of it on the same file, which makes no logical sense but that really appears to be how it works.

My question becomes, is there any workaround...? Well I have been exploring a lot of potential ones, no dice so far...
Not even a unique GfsHn for each frame read works.
Jo engine "async" reading really does not appear to be async reading either. The program is still going to get "stuck" in the file access loop. In an emulator, it's very zippy. On real hardware however, I can't see it behaving as hoped.

I will get back at this tomorrow. Or maybe.. you know some time soon. Restructuring jo_main should be entirely unncessary for this. The loading function just needs to be the preeminent code of a game_frame or game_loop function, like I have in my code. Not that big of a deal now that I think about it.

/e: Just tested it real quick. It DOES work as intended if I put game_frame inside the reading loop. It goes mental (as in frame-rate goes REALLY high because I am sloppily calling the frame code twice), but it works :)

Okay, that's what I thought I should do at first since that's how Jo engine does it.

Now I am at a similar problem to before: the read data is getting corrupted if I interrupt the NwFread loop (and thus run the program without interruption).
I do happen to know that the Saturn should be able to manage about 240 bytes fetched each frame, and if I use that for rt_step, it will just crash (im assuming because the data is corrupted).
I don't know why the data is getting corrupted...

Code: [Select]

typedef struct
bool file_done;
void * dstAddress;
entity_t * tmodel;
Sint8 * filename;
} request;

Uint32 rd_frames = 0;
Uint32 curRdFrame = 0;

Uint16 FilRqNm;

bool TimeToSet = false;
bool process_requested;

request requests[4];

void ztFileRequest(Sint8 * name, void * startAddress, entity_t * model, Uint16 rqNum)
if(requests[rqNum].file_done == true){
process_requested = false;
goto SKIP;
requests[rqNum].filename = name;
requests[rqNum].dstAddress = startAddress;
requests[rqNum].tmodel = model;
FilRqNm = rqNum;
process_requested = true;
jo_printf(0, 0, "(started)");
if(process_requested == false){
jo_printf(0, 0, "(-ended-)");

void ztFileServer(void)
if(process_requested != true){
goto SKIP;
    void * currentAddress;
currentAddress = requests[FilRqNm].dstAddress;

//Data of read structure
    Sint32 fid = GFS_NameToId((Sint8*)requests[FilRqNm].filename);
GfsHn gfsx;
Sint32 nsct;
Sint32 fsize;
//Accepted rate of reading per frame (33 ms)
//Note to self: If your data is already byte size information, do not annotate with sizeOf. Thanks.
Sint32 rt_step = 2048;
Uint8 rt_sector = 1;
//Data of read-in-process
Sint32 stat;
Sint32 rdsize;
bool gfs_Active = false;
//Model Data is the destination of data in the work area.
modelData_t bufModelX;
//Destination address?
    void * ptr2 = &bufModelX;

if(gfsx == NULL && requests[FilRqNm].file_done != true){
//Loading follows
gfsx = GFS_Open(fid);
gfs_Active = true;
//Get sectors
GFS_GetFileSize(gfsx, NULL, &nsct, NULL);
GFS_GetFileInfo(gfsx, NULL, NULL, &fsize, NULL);
//How many frames are we reading?
if(rt_step < fsize){
rd_frames = (fsize + (rt_step - 1))/(rt_step);
//Skip the loop if it is finished
if(curRdFrame >= rd_frames){
if(requests[FilRqNm].file_done != true){
  // Copy gfsx payload to modelData_t bufmodel
memcpy_l((Sint32*)ptr2, (Sint32*)(currentAddress), sizeof(modelData_t));
    requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->pos[X]=bufModelX.Origin[X]; requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->pos[Y]=bufModelX.Origin[Y]; requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->pos[Z]=bufModelX.Origin[Z];
    requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->length[X]=bufModelX.Length[X]; requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->length[Y]=bufModelX.Length[Y]; requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->length[Z]=bufModelX.Length[Z];

Uint16 first_texture = loadTextures(currentAddress, &bufModelX);
Sint32 bytesOff = bufModelX.TEXT_SIZE+(sizeof(modelData_t));
currentAddress = (void*)(currentAddress + bytesOff);
currentAddress = loadPDATA((void*)(currentAddress), requests[FilRqNm].tmodel, &bufModelX);
currentAddress = (void*)(currentAddress + (bufModelX.PDATA_SIZE + sizeof(modelData_t)));
setTextures(first_texture, requests[FilRqNm].tmodel, bufModelX.TOTAL_MESH, false);
requests[FilRqNm].file_done = true;
jo_printf(0, 9, "(skipped loop)");
goto SKIP;

jo_printf(0, 8, "(%i)", nsct);
jo_printf(10, 8, "(sectors)");
jo_printf(0, 9, "(%i)", fsize);
jo_printf(10, 9, "(file size)");

//Read from CD to CD buffer
//CONCEPT: NwFread specifies only a fetch from CD buffer. If no such read has been specified, it will carry it out itself.
//However, if you specify a read from CD, repeats of the fetch command will only fetch from the CD buffer and will not give errors for data remainders.
//TIP: Since TMODE_CPU is the SH1 of the CD system, there is no reason to use anything else, as that CPU is otherwise entirely idle.
GFS_SetTmode(gfsx, GFS_TMODE_CPU);
//TIP: Setting GFS_GMODE_RESIDENT is a guaranteed crash.
GFS_SetGmode(gfsx, GFS_GMODE_ERASE);
GFS_SetReadPara(gfsx, rt_step);
GFS_SetTransPara(gfsx, rt_sector);
//TIP: GFS_Nw_CdRead cannot be checked for completion. Sorry!
GFS_NwCdRead(gfsx, fsize);
GFS_NwFread(gfsx, rt_sector, (Uint32*)(currentAddress +(curRdFrame * rt_step)), rt_step);
GFS_NwGetStat(gfsx, &stat, &rdsize);
jo_printf(0, 11, "(%i)", rdsize);
jo_printf(10, 11, "(fetched filesize)");
}while(stat != GFS_SVR_COMPLETED && rdsize < rt_step);
//Remainder of file in comparison to rt_step [%] is handled, because we do not want to repeat the loop for the end of the data anyway. Do you understand?
//Technically, a file exactly divisible by rt_step will read-loop indefinitely. Watch out for that.
if(rdsize == rt_step){
// GFS_NwStop(gfsx);
curRdFrame = curRdFrame + 1;
// goto PUSHF;

if(gfs_Active == true){
gfs_Active = false;


jo_printf(0, 15, "(%i)", curRdFrame);
jo_printf(4, 15, "(%i)", rd_frames);
jo_printf(0, 13, "(%i)", bufModelX.TOTAL_MESH);
jo_printf(3, 13, "(%i)", bufModelX.PDATA_SIZE);
jo_printf(10, 13, "(%i)", requests[FilRqNm].tmodel->nbMeshes);

After skimming the SBL documentation, it seems I had the wrong idea all along.

Immediate-Return  Read
Reads data from files by means of a request function and a server function. The
request issued by the request function is processed by the server function one pro-
cessing unit at a time.  The server function must be recalled repeatedly. By inserting
application processing into the server function call loop, execution of the application
can be continued until completion of the data read.

5.2  Immediate-Return Access
Immediate-return access is performed by using a request function and a server
function. The request function executes only request acceptance and immediately
returns. Actual access is performed by repeatedly calling the server function while
monitoring the completion status. The application can also be processed in the call
loop of the server function.

A file handle that has issued a request cannot issue another request until processing
of the first one is completed.

In essence, the "program", in other words (I am assuming) ALL SYSTEM CALLBACKS must be put inside the GFS_NwFread loop in order for it to perform whilst the rest of the program is uninterrupted. I assume you DO NOT put it inside the NwExecOne loop (because no sample code does anything inside of it besides check on it). In essence that's a major restructure of jo_main. I will try it someday.

I am still a little confused about how NwCdRead is used but it doesn't seem to cause crashes if or if not present.

An update.

Unlike previous incantations here, this one somewhat accomplishes the goals I have set out for.
I mean it does read from the CD in a non-linear fashion and puts it in the work area.
There's two problems though.
- It is painfully slow. If you think it's bad in an emulator, try it on real hardware. This structure of code is just untenable. I need a different approach.
- The data is corrupted somehow. I would like to solve that before I moved on to something else, but there's clearly no reason to so I am going to move on to a different command structure.

I have also identified a few things, such as GFS commands being a significant contributor to slowdown, although the primary slow-down on real hardware is going to be any loading loop as the CD system is not lightning fast (obviously, its a CD).

Code: [Select]
volatile	Uint32 rd_frames = 0;
volatile Uint32 curRdFrame = 0;

bool file_reading;
bool TimeToSet = false;

void * ztFileStream(Sint8 * filename, void * startAddress, entity_t * model, Sint8 evenStep, Sint8 oddStep)
    void * currentAddress;
    currentAddress = startAddress;

//Data of read structure
    Sint32 fid = GFS_NameToId((Sint8*)filename);
GfsHn gfsx;
Sint32 nsct;
Sint32 fsize;
//Accepted rate of reading per frame (33 ms)
//Note to self: If your data is already byte size information, do not annotate with sizeOf. Thanks.
Sint32 rt_step = 2048;
Uint8 rt_sector = rt_step / 2048;
    Uint8 synctime;
//Data of read-in-process
Sint32 stat;
Sint32 rdsize;
//Model Data is the destination of data in the work area.
modelData_t bufModelX;
//Destination address?
    void * ptr2 = &bufModelX;

if(gfsx == NULL && file_reading != true){
//Loading follows
gfsx = GFS_Open(fid);
//Get sectors
GFS_GetFileSize(gfsx, NULL, &nsct, NULL);
GFS_GetFileInfo(gfsx, NULL, NULL, &fsize, NULL);
//How many frames are we reading?
if(rt_step < fsize){
rd_frames = (fsize + (rt_step - 1))/(rt_step);

//Skip the loop if it is finished
if(curRdFrame >= rd_frames){
if(TimeToSet != true){
  // Copy gfsx payload to modelData_t bufmodel
memcpy_l((Sint32*)ptr2, (Sint32*)(currentAddress), sizeof(modelData_t));
    model->pos[X]=bufModelX.Origin[X]; model->pos[Y]=bufModelX.Origin[Y]; model->pos[Z]=bufModelX.Origin[Z];
    model->length[X]=bufModelX.Length[X]; model->length[Y]=bufModelX.Length[Y]; model->length[Z]=bufModelX.Length[Z];

Uint16 first_texture = loadTextures(currentAddress, &bufModelX);
Sint32 bytesOff = bufModelX.TEXT_SIZE+(sizeof(modelData_t));
currentAddress = (void*)(currentAddress + bytesOff);
currentAddress = loadPDATA((void*)(currentAddress), model, &bufModelX);
currentAddress = (void*)(currentAddress + (bufModelX.PDATA_SIZE + sizeof(modelData_t)));
setTextures(first_texture, model, bufModelX.TOTAL_MESH, false);
TimeToSet = true;

file_reading = true;
jo_printf(0, 9, "(skipped loop)");
goto SKIP;

jo_printf(0, 8, "(%i)", nsct);
jo_printf(10, 8, "(sectors)");
jo_printf(0, 9, "(%i)", fsize);
jo_printf(10, 9, "(file size)");

//Read from CD to CD buffer
//CONCEPT: NwFread specifies only a fetch from CD buffer. If no such read has been specified, it will carry it out itself.
//However, if you specify a read from CD, repeats of the fetch command will only fetch from the CD buffer and will not give errors for data remainders.
//Now I understand how the program on SBL Document 1 Page 18 works. It is incomplete; they assume the program is a system callback, but it works.

//TIP: Since TMODE_CPU is the SH1 of the CD system, there is no reason to use anything else, as that CPU is otherwise entirely idle.
GFS_SetTmode(gfsx, GFS_TMODE_CPU);
//TIP: Setting GFS_GMODE_RESIDENT is a guaranteed crash.
GFS_SetGmode(gfsx, GFS_GMODE_ERASE);
GFS_SetReadPara(gfsx, rt_step);
GFS_SetTransPara(gfsx, rt_sector);
//TIP: GFS_Nw_CdRead cannot be checked for completion. Sorry!
GFS_NwCdRead(gfsx, fsize);
    synctime = jo_get_ticks();
jo_printf(0, 2, "x(%i)x", synctime);
GFS_NwFread(gfsx, rt_sector, (Uint32*)(currentAddress +(curRdFrame * rt_step)), rt_step);
GFS_NwGetStat(gfsx, &stat, &rdsize);
jo_printf(0, 11, "(%i)", rdsize);
jo_printf(10, 11, "(fetched filesize)");
jo_printf(0, 15, "(%i)", curRdFrame);
jo_printf(4, 15, "(%i)", rd_frames);
if(stat != GFS_SVR_COMPLETED && rdsize < rt_step && synctime & 2){
//Remainder of file in comparison to rt_step [%] is handled, because we do not want to repeat the loop for the end of the data anyway. Do you understand?
//Technically, a file exactly divisible by rt_step will read-loop indefinitely. Watch out for that.
if(rdsize == rt_step && synctime & 2 ){
curRdFrame = curRdFrame + 1;
goto PUSHF;

jo_printf(0, 13, "(%i)", bufModelX.TOTAL_MESH);
jo_printf(3, 13, "(%i)", bufModelX.PDATA_SIZE);
jo_printf(10, 13, "(%i)", model->nbMeshes);

    return currentAddress;

Share your code / Re: Model converter (.ZTP) -0.1 - WIP
« on: June 11, 2018, 05:35:20 am »
I'm almost done with some background-ish loading stuff too, I just need it to not-crash.

Funny I should go on double (now triple) posting like that. I found an arrangement with a GOTO statement that can pass over but safely complete the sluggish parts of the loop IF the function is continuously called. This is an important step in the right direction.

Code: [Select]
	Uint8 rd_frames = 0;
Uint8 curRdFrame = 0;

void * ztFileStream(Sint8 * filename, void * startAddress, entity_t * model, Sint8 evenStep, Sint8 oddStep)
    memset_l((void*)startAddress,0x0000, (0xFFFE - ((Uint32)startAddress-(Uint32)LWRAM)));  //Not 100% necessary, since data can just be overwritten, but good for testing and see how much data a level takes
    void * currentAddress;
    currentAddress = startAddress;
//Data of read structure
    Sint32 fid = GFS_NameToId((Sint8*)filename);
GfsHn gfs;
Sint32 nsct;
Sint32 fsize;
//Accepted rate of reading per frame (33 ms)
//Note to self: If your data is already byte size information, do not annotate with sizeOf. Thanks.
Uint32 rt_step = 4096;
Uint8 rt_sector = rt_step / 2048;
//Data of read-in-process
Sint32 stat;
Uint32 rdsize;
//Model Data is the destination of data in the work area.
modelData_t bufModel;
//Destination address?
    void * ptr = &bufModel;
//Loading follows
gfs = GFS_Open(fid);
//Get sectors
GFS_GetFileSize(gfs, NULL, &nsct, NULL);
GFS_GetFileInfo(gfs, NULL, NULL, &fsize, NULL);
//How many frames are we reading?
if(rt_step < fsize){
rd_frames = (fsize + (rt_step - 1))/(rt_step);

jo_printf(0, 8, "(%i)", nsct);
jo_printf(10, 8, "(sectors)");
jo_printf(0, 9, "(%i)", fsize);
jo_printf(10, 9, "(file size)");

//Read from CD to CD buffer
//CONCEPT: NwFread specifies only a fetch from CD buffer. If no such read has been specified, it will carry it out itself.
//However, if you specify a read from CD, repeats of the fetch command will only fetch from the CD buffer and will not give errors for data remainders.
//Now I understand how the program on SBL Document 1 Page 18 works. It is incomplete; they assume the program is a system callback, but it works.

GFS_SetTmode(gfs, GFS_TMODE_CPU);
GFS_SetReadPara(gfs, rt_step);
GFS_SetTransPara(gfs, rt_sector);
if(curRdFrame >= rd_frames){
goto RUNARC;
GFS_NwCdRead(gfs, fsize);
for( ; curRdFrame <= rd_frames ; ){
GFS_NwFread(gfs, rt_sector, (Uint32*)(currentAddress +(curRdFrame * rt_step)), rt_step);
GFS_NwGetStat(gfs, &stat, &rdsize);
jo_printf(0, 15, "(%i)", curRdFrame);
jo_printf(4, 15, "(%i)", rd_frames);
}while (stat != GFS_SVR_COMPLETED && rdsize < rt_step);
 jo_printf(0, 11, "(%i)", rdsize);
jo_printf(10, 11, "(fetched filesize)");


// Copy gfs to modelData_t bufmodel???
memcpy_l((Sint32*)ptr, (Sint32*)(currentAddress), sizeof(modelData_t));

    model->pos[X]=bufModel.Origin[X]; model->pos[Y]=bufModel.Origin[Y]; model->pos[Z]=bufModel.Origin[Z];
    model->length[X]=bufModel.Length[X]; model->length[Y]=bufModel.Length[Y]; model->length[Z]=bufModel.Length[Z];

Uint16 first_texture = loadTextures(currentAddress, &bufModel);
Sint32 bytesOff = bufModel.TEXT_SIZE+(sizeof(modelData_t));
currentAddress = (void*)(currentAddress + bytesOff);
currentAddress = loadPDATA((void*)(currentAddress), model, &bufModel);
currentAddress = (void*)(currentAddress + (bufModel.PDATA_SIZE + sizeof(modelData_t)));
setTextures(first_texture, model, bufModel.TOTAL_MESH, true);


jo_printf(0, 13, "(%i)", bufModel.TOTAL_MESH);
jo_printf(3, 13, "(%i)", bufModel.PDATA_SIZE);
jo_printf(10, 13, "(%i)", model->nbMeshes);

    return currentAddress;


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