Sega Saturn Development > General Jo Engine Help

A few questions about PCM functionality

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Can you attach audio files please ?

For me the  jo_audio_play_sound causes crashes when more than 2 sounds are playing (like I get 2 rings in a row in Sonic and jump at the same time).
Is there an overflow check?
I'm using the play on channel function instead, which prevents crashes, but doesn't allow me to play many files at once.

Also, one thing I noticed, the audio files are loaded in the HWRAM.

Can't they simply be loaded in the audio ram to free up some main ram, or the only way to do that would be by using a .c file for the audio instead of a PCM file?

Here's the two audio files I'm using.

Just a wild guess, but they seem way too big, they wouldn't fit the audio ram and you might also run out of ram memory.
Try playing with the malloc setting to free some ram to fit them.
You could also just send them to the low work ram (I don't know by heart the adress, but it's something like 0x20000), but I'm not sure if it will work.
I don't know if it can be stored in the audio RAM either as I've never tried it, so you can also give it a try if you want.

Try to declare it something like :

#define LOW_WORK_RAM (0x20000)  //I just typed something, don't copy it blindly as I'm not sure it's the right adress)
jo_sound * blop;

void        load_cop_sound(void)
            blop = (jo_sound*) (LOW_WORK_RAM);
            jo_audio_load_pcm("B.PCM",JoSoundMono8Bit, blop);

Both files individually seem to play just fine. It is when you load them together that you start to see problems.
I'll see if your Low Work Ram solution will work. Thanks for helping!


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