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A few questions about PCM functionality

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Sadly your idea didn't work XL2.
The actual address for low work ram is 0x00200000 but that didn't work either. It's not a big problem as it was just a test to see how well I can code. Thank all you guys for the help though!

For me too it's a huge issue as 44100 hz files are just filling my RAM. I still have room in LWRAM, but I have other plans for it. The audio files (only little sounds) take around 250 kb, which is ridiculus for the length. 22050 hz audio would make it half that, and 11025 hz would me it even better.

Has anyone used midi samples? They are quite small.
The Saturn has a great sound chip and midi should sound excellent!

Wouldn't MIDI be for music? Sadly I haven't played too much with audio yet so I don't know much about it, but I'll have to improve memory usage as RAM is limited!


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