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I have another update about what I'm up to. This is a copy of my post on SegaXtreme. Unfortunately, I am discontinuing my shooter game using Jo Engine. Trying to code it by hand has become too much, as I really need to use engines with graphical editors. My new project is to use the Raspberry Pi, along with a custom shell and additional accessories. I can also do a custom setup with OpenGL that limits the output to match the max output of the Saturn or slightly better. I have picked out a couple engines, depending on whether it's a 2D or 3D game. I also came across a couple of developers who are working on new games that emulate PSX graphics, and I realized I can do the same thing for Saturn. This will open up a new console that I and other developers can make Saturn-style games for. I'd like to work towards getting a licensing agreement to produce a sequel of a game that was on the Saturn. By emulating the look of Saturn games, the console can be a kind of continuation of the system. There is also the possibility of the console being backwards compatible with Saturn discs. Unlike the Saturn, developers can use all modern tools and games will be much easier to produce. I look forward to any feedback.

Things are going well. I am finishing up a custom game dev tower for my 3D work. I am putting together a 2D shooter demo and will test it soon on the Raspberry Pi. Over the next month, I plan to do a 3D test on the Pi. However, I don't think it will run on that. Only time will tell. I also began designing the shell for the console that will be a sister console to the Saturn. Project updates will be posted on my Twitter account @!


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