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Model converter (.ZTP) -0.1 - WIP

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It depends.
Like I mentionned the tool isn't designed for maps.
It could be that your normals are reversed.
You can use dual plane, but it won't do backface culling so you will cause useless overdraw.
Just make your normals are Ok.
In Blender just activate the backface culling option.
For the clipping : set the zsort to SORT_MAX for the level, SORT_CEN or Min for your entities.

Looks to me like there are just too many quads, but hey, you've probably done more with this than I have :)

Yes, in the video he has 2500 vertices which is the maximum the default workarea supports.
You need to do visibility culling, using an octree/grid/bsp tree at minimum.

Ah so seems maybe I can clean this up and have it work. How do I change the attributes in a ZTE without the .h file? I didnt see anything in the SGL documentation other than the .h attributes. Its the same as slZdspLevel();?

The normals are correct one that shopping bag and even replaced it with just a simple plane it doesn't show up looking at both sides. Even with the player removed.  I noticed if I don't draw my player that is 255 vertices it only brings down the count to 2446 so it must just stop drawing the levels vertices at some point and move onto the player. But if I separate the bag to its own ZTE it doesn't draw it either so not really sure what some faces deal are.

Ill just keep messing with it until I get everything now displaying and everything else will be sprite. I tried it out on a real saturn and still runs smooth with the level only missing like three 3d models needed.

Edit: wow I was drawing my level twice lol, now its 1300 vertices but still not drawing the bag.

 The vertices limit depend on the order you send your slputpolygon commands.
If SGL detects you have 2450 vertices and the next object has 60 vertices, it won't draw it at all.
Try only drawing your ball to see if it works.
For the dual plane quads, if you have a texture name starting with DUAL_ it will convert it as dual plane.
I'm not sure if I implemented this already in the demo.


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