Sega Saturn Development > General discussion about the Sega Saturn

Idea of UV mapping on the Saturn

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In what game?
Sonic R?
The extent of software rendering in that game is, IIRC, not an end-to-end pipeline. Certain stages are assisted via software rather than entirely software rendered.
A game that is software rendered on these consoles looks like the Saturn DOOM port, the HexXen Saturn/PS ports, and the Duke 3D playstation port. Compare said PS port of Duke 3D to the hardware-accelerated Duke 3D port that is on the Saturn. And in that way do also note: It also includes some software rendering assistance, as far as I have read from corvus.
You can't get real-time shading or fade-in / fade-out effects on VDP1 without such a thing.

In another way, the Saturn has two SH2s, so you can safely run the render pipeline on one of them without interrupting the program registers / task scheduler on the other. Which is what SGL does.
My point is that software rendering is massively slower than using VDP1 and VDP2 for everything you can use them for, even if it does mean using them in strictly unnecessary ways. Yet if you have the expertise, I do think you could schedule a system where triangles of a mesh are texture-mapped in software rather than on VDP1, but doing so would be a massive undertaking with regards to scheduling the program to ensure it both looks right and runs without interrupting the rest of the system (due to DMA time).

More to MY personal point of view on this matter, VDP1 is not fast enough to be invested in high-quality textures on every polygon alongside real-time shading. If that means all triangle polygons have to be untextured, GOOD! It saves performance and we don't have to be bothered with it!

Instead of throwing around conjecture like this, everyone would better use their time actually trying this out and determining if its worth the time. I haven't the time to prove what I am saying because folks around here have found ways to pre-distort the textures on triangles so they look more appropriate.

Yeah, it's actually pretty simple to pre-distort the texture. Also, I DON'T know C, so I ask people like you to find out (Well, maybe a little C from observation).

From that video Jon says he planned to have an environment mapped metal sonic but scrapped it and only used the software renderer for the trophies.

From what I know of the VDP1 it draws in strips of pixels from the left side of the quad to the right. This way it reads from the sprite linearly. So it would take all the pixels from start to end in a row and stretch that from the left side of the quad to the right instead of leaving blank pixels to either side, I think? Having not programmed the saturn yet I can't say for certain, though.

Also, even though transparency is not really an option for distorted sprites, what does it look like?

So, I've seen an Atari Jaguar game, Supercross 3d, and it has a billboard that shows the screen on it. Is there a way to do that on the Saturn?


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